Your innocence is the first thing extracted, then comes your humanity.
How else can you cope with the thought of 99.9% of the human population of the earth being killed by the most inhuman means possible?
the jw's medicated my innocence with the 'reality' of armageddon.
i want innocence back, dammit!!!.
Your innocence is the first thing extracted, then comes your humanity.
How else can you cope with the thought of 99.9% of the human population of the earth being killed by the most inhuman means possible?
i want to send lots of christmas greetings cards this year.
i especially want to send a card to dozens of posters from this site.
i suppose the obvious answer is that folks email me with an address.
I'm in...check your email
Sunny (the NASCAR fan)
i just read the tragic story of the man in chicago who beat his daughter to death.
i have read stories here and on silentlambs about sexual abuse.. my question is: how much fault can be placed on the religion and how much on the perversions of a particular individual?
i frankly don't know the answer to this question.
I remember my Mom beating the hell out of me with a stick when I was about 10 years old for doing something I wasn't supposed to have done. I also remember her quoting that same scripture to me then about "sparing the rod". Like that justified what she did to me.
She was solely responsible for what she did just like those jdub parents are. The WTS should wear a "crown of thorns" for what they have taught all these years, but the parents must be held ultimatly responsible for this childs death.
It is heartbreaking isn't it.....
chronic fatigue syndrone, m e, yuppie flu.
i dont know if anyone else has noticed the alarming number of jws who claim to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrone,i mean hear in cornwall there tend to be several sufferers in every congregation,outside the jws out of the many people i know i dont know anyone,although there are obviosly many outside the jws who suffer this illness,percentage wise it seems that jws have a much,much larger occorance of the illness.. for example my brother in law has not worked and been living on invalidity benefits for more than 10 years since his mid twenties,his brother is also in the same boat, an m.e sufferer.. i wonder if anyone has looked into this a bit more?
My family consists of 5 siblings. 2 in and 3 out. On the dub side I know of 4 among the nieces and nephews who are on medication for either depression or the by-polar thing. Nobody on the other side seems to need any meds for that sort of thing.
Could this come from trying to live up to the impossible rules they have to live with?
It can't just be "in ALL of their heads"
after jousting a bit on these forums with perennial poster you know, i have wondered about his status with the jw organization.
he claims to be a jw, and he claims that his elders, circuit overseer, and even the society are well aware of his activities here on the net.
notice the following remarks he has made:.
Sure, I'd like to know the "troof" about YK too (like thats ever going to happen).
YaKnow is a legend in his own mind!
Although I'm not going to go into details, I know personally of a case where a person was kicked out of the cong. because they were mentally ill and the elders couldn't deal with it. I guess it couldn't be helped, after all, how can you expect toilet cleaners and shoeshine boys to deal with someone with a mental problem?
It always amazes me what qualified people they pick to head their congs.
i daed myself then was dfed then was sponcered into the elks lodge.. i now pledge alegence to my country again pray for our leaders and help the poor and misfortunate of the city i live in which is las vegas , nevada, usa.. it feels good to ask some one how are you doing without having an alternative motive of placing literature.. i also joined the chamber of commerce for networking and community service.. we just went to our first breakfast at the elks lodge...guest what they were so friendly and put the jws to shame.
there were not any chiques (clicks) or hypocracy.
i didn't hear any bad mouthing of any members.
Glad to see you are doing so well.
Keep it up.
"we will all be standing and watching as they throw their worthless money into the streets.".
My Mom opened the door to this cult when I was a kid of 5. That was several years ago to put it mildly. I remember her telling us ( me and my little sister, she was 3) that the big "A" would be here in 1955. I remember it well because it scared the hell out of me.
'55 came and went and so did '75 and now its '01 and they are still waiting. My Mom is also long gone.
I got out 25 years ago so a lot of the topics discussed here I wasn't around for. So I've learned alot from my fellow posters. I still have family in the borg and I strive to understand why I can see and they can't.
I happened to see your name and was wondering how you are.
on shunning.. the watchtower basically points to two reasons to shun people:.
1) it will make the wrongdoer think about their course of life and help them to come back to "the truth".. 2) it will protect your faith in jehovah and will keep you from being stumbled.. i think there are really 2 other reasons.. 1) fear of being shunned themselves for associating with you.. 2) to punish you for not thinking or being like them anymore.
kind of a revenge thing.
To those that say they still love their friends in spite of.....I say, more power to you. You have a kinder heart than I do.
I feel that we have to make people personally responsible for what they do. If you decide to shun someone that is your personal decision no matter who told you to do it. In the end the decision is yours and yours alone and you are responsible for it..
If you had a friend who erred that came to you and asked for forgiveness what would you do? Would you weigh whether they were sorry enough? humble enough? would you try to make an example of them? would you make them hurt even more than they are already hurting?
I didn't think so.....
You would take them in your arms and comfort them and forgive them. Thats the difference between you and the zombies in the borg and their leaders. They have given up their humanity. You have to check it at the door when you become a member. That is probably one of the reasons you got out.
I stand with OUTLAW. They are not your friends.
on shunning.. the watchtower basically points to two reasons to shun people:.
1) it will make the wrongdoer think about their course of life and help them to come back to "the truth".. 2) it will protect your faith in jehovah and will keep you from being stumbled.. i think there are really 2 other reasons.. 1) fear of being shunned themselves for associating with you.. 2) to punish you for not thinking or being like them anymore.
kind of a revenge thing.
Right on
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.
my dub sister planned this little event to see the lion king.
she invited my two other sisters and their families and purposely left me out.
when my family asked about me, she just shrugged her shoulders -- the little hypocrite couldn't "stumble" them by telling them she was shunning her own sister.
You are the heroine of the day...and rightly so. I am so proud of you. Keep us informed,
Escargo, I have done things I'm ashamed of too. You can only go from today. Chin up.
minds are like parachutes--they only function when open.